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Dr. 查尔斯·约翰逊

Dr. 查尔斯·约翰逊博士.D.

Workforce 发展 Partnerships, 大学 Degree and Non-Degree Program 发展 and Administration, Organizational Assessments for 领导 and Technical 发展 需要

查尔斯·R. “查克”约翰逊被任命为文森斯大学第22任校长 2015年,在担任临时总统四个月之后. 约翰逊来了 to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 as Provost/Vice President for Instructional Services/Dean of 教师 and served 担任该职位三年.

Dr. 劳拉•特雷纳说道

Dr. 劳拉·特雷纳博士.D.

Strategic Planning, 领导, Women in leadership, Team Building, Coaching and Mentoring, Higher Education, Instructional Effectiveness, Growth Mindset, Continuous Quality 改进

Dr. 特雷纳曾担任教职员工、院长、学术副校长、 Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, and most recently, Provost. 在她30年的高等教育生涯中. 特雷纳担任过 as an exemplary innovator and transformative leader who has developed high-impact 团队,预示着新的项目和服务,并倡导学术质量.

Dr. 辛西娅Ragle

Dr. 辛西娅·拉格博士.D.

Elementary Education, Reading, Language Arts (middle school), Curriculum, Instruction

Dr. 辛西娅Ragle is the Dean of the College of 社会科学,表演艺术, and 沟通 (SSPAC), SSPAC fosters critical thinking, creative expression, and intellectual 好奇心. 在教室、工作室和舞台上,学生们为各种各样的表演做好了准备 职业生涯,并为未来的成功做好准备. 


Dr. 亚伦·布鲁克博士.D.


Dr. 亚伦·布鲁克是宾夕法尼亚州新威尔明顿威斯敏斯特学院的校友 我获得了化学学士学位. 他获得了博士学位.普渡大学博士 化学/化学教育.


Dr. 查克·曼斯菲尔德博士.D.

Agriculture, Agronomy, Commodity Crop Production, Corn; Soybeans, Wheat, Specialty 作物,大麻,油菜籽

Dr. Chuck Mansfield于1990年加入澳门足球博彩官方网址. 他以获得学士学位开始了他的大学生涯 1976年获得南伊利诺伊大学理学学士学位. 他获得了硕士学位 于1981年毕业于佛罗里达大学. 曼斯菲尔德还 完成博士学位.D. 在佛罗里达大学毕业后,他直接来工作了 与错觉.




Teresa Tarbuck has a broad background in research including: developing and characterizing catalysts that remove sulfur from petroleum feed stocks, characterizing the surface structure of various polymers with and without humidity, and characterizing gas/water interfaces in the presence of environmentally relevant gases, organic molecules, and 盐. Techniques used include gas tight systems, ultra-high vacuum, and laser spectroscopy.


Dr. Dale Pietrzak, Ed.D.、lpc-mh (sd)、CCMHC

高等教育中的数据分析.学生保留和坚持,测试和评估 发展

Dr. Dale Pietrzak (pronounced Pete's rock) oversees the areas of assessment, institutional effectiveness, and institutional research and serves as 澳门足球博彩官方网址's 认证 Liaison 高等教育委员会主任(行政主任). Pietrzak拥有广泛的认证 experience and has expanded the 大学’s use of business analytics to determine 如何为学生群体提供更好的服务.


Curt Coffman, m.s.A.

气候变化,水质,野生动物 & 渔业、河流、小溪、湖泊、动物学、 海洋生物学,普通科学,科学教育

柯特·科夫曼是理学院院长, & 数学. 他教过本科生 students for 24 years, including 14 at 澳门足球博彩官方网址, where he was the Biology Department Chair 6年. 他被福尔松湖学院,文森斯大学, 以及全国生物教师协会的杰出教学奖. 

michaell gehrich

Michael Gehrich, m.s.A.


Mike Gehrich is the Director of Aviation for Vincennes 大学, He manages the aviation maintenance and aviation flight programs for Vincennes 大学 at the 航空技术中心.



Automotive 技术, Automotive Restoration, Automotive Painting, Paint Products, 碰撞修复

泰·弗里德(Ty Freed)是技术学院院长. 弗里德是文森斯大学的学生 汽车技术专业毕业生. 此外,他还获得了汽车学士学位 技术 and a master’s degree in Industrial 技术 from Indiana State 大学. He is a Master 碰撞修复 Technician, Master Automotive Technician, Master Engine Machinist, Master School Bus Technician, Master Medium/Heavy Truck Technician, Automotive Advanced Level L1 Specialist, Alternative Fuels Technician, and Undercar Specialist. 



Internships and apprenticeships, Earn and Learn programs, Organizational Management

Christian Blome is Assistant Vice President and Dean of the Vincennes 大学 Jasper 校园. Blomen’s tenure in higher education has included Enrollment Management, Marketing, 社区参与,筹款和校园管理. 他创造了独一无二的 partnerships between education, industry and community to providing students access 有价值的职业.




Marcia Martinez was hired as 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s 大学 Life Reporter and Sports Information 2018年总监. 她与学生、教职员工、校友和其他人士密切合作 利益相关者以最真实、最鼓舞人心的方式讲述澳门足球博彩官方网址的故事.


Louis J. 小Caprino., cpp, fcio, chs-v

The FBI, Domestic and International Terrorism, Emergency Management, Corporate Security, The role of the FBI Legal Attache, international law enforcement, intelligence services, Federal Law Enforcement, Counter Terrorism, Counter Intelligence, Homeland Security, 大规模杀伤性武器,基本的网络犯罪

Caprino’s FBI assignments included service in New York, Indianapolis, and FBI Headquarters 在华盛顿特区.C. 从1998年到2003年,卡普里诺担任联邦调查局的法律专员 派驻美国.S. Embassies in Canberra, Australia; Wellington, New Zealand; Suva, Fiji; and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.


杰西卡·泽勒斯,LCSW, ACSW, MSW

Social Work Field, 健康care, Addictions, Schools, Child Welfare, Mental 健康 Service 供应商

Jessica Zeller is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Social Work at Vincennes 大学. 在2014年开始她在似曾相识的职业生涯之前,泽勒斯曾担任执照 clinical social worker in a variety of settings, and she loves getting to share those 和新一代的社工一起! Zellers教授入门级的社会学/社会学 work classes, as well as those that focus on addictions, sociological aspects of death, 以及作为一名多面手社工的现实实践. 她拥有两个学士学位 以及社会工作硕士学位.



Executive 领导, Project Management, Strategic Organizational Planning, High Performing Team Dynamics, Risk Management, IT Compliance and Auditing, 业务 Continuity and Disaster Recovery, CISO, Community Service, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Information 技术, Logistics, ERP Systems, Web 发展, Data Warehouse Management

杰茜·李·莱德曼(Jaci Lee Lederman)是信息技术部主任. 她是一个 certified PMP – Project Management 专业, with over twenty years of experience 在信息技术和供应链的各个领域工作. 杰西是一个 CISO-Certified Information Security Officer and an EDRP-EC-Council Disaster Recovery 专业.


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